The treatment is highly effective for undoubtedly effective treatment for. The instant result occurs with the results lasting up to 2 years. It’s painless and topical anesthesia will not be required. Acute erythema and swelling may be observed, but will subside within some days.
Micropigmentation can be performed in hands, the face or lips. It can be done on almost all parts of the body. The pigments are deposited on the white areas of the skin. Each area is customized so that the color blends with the skin. The pigments are non-toxic and safe for use. The pigment gets deposited on areas of white on the skin through the use of micro pigmentation devices that vibrates on the outer layers of skin using only one needle. The vibration deposits pigment into areas of the skin, until shade you want can be achieved. The intensity of the discomfort may be different from one person to the next depending upon the part getting micropigmented.
The process of micropigmentation, also known as medical tattooing is an effective alternative treatment for patients with Vitiligo that is resistant to standard treatments. If you are considering micropigmentation in vitiligo then speak to your doctor today. ldagtnu9vi.