For roof services
* Google local services include prequalified roofing companies.
Google Maps help find roofing companies in their vicinity.
There are customer reviews on the websites of roofing firms.
Houston Area Roofing Contractors Association is a Chapter of the National Roofing Association. Its website contains a listing of roofing contractors certified within the area. The site also allows you to broaden the search using this link.
Some Additional Tips to Hiring a Roofing Contractor
1. Find a roofing contractor in the area.
2. Roofers must possess at least three years of experience in the field of roofing.
3. The roofer should be certified.
4. The business should be covered by an insurance policy for liability.
5. These certifications need to be valid and have reliable ratings and excellent reviews.
6. A reliable roofing service will guide the customer through every step of the way and help him understand the process, rather then just advertising their services.